Saturday, February 12, 2005

so what?

Heike Kamerlingh Onnes: Door meten tot weten (by measurements to knowledge.)


William Blake:

i want to audition for a choir that takes a lot of time and cannot be counted for anything. and when i told my friend about it i said the artsy side of me said it's worth it but my science side of me said it's a waste of time. i don't konw. look at Onnes and blake. to one, measurements are what life is all about. they become life itself. to blake, measurements are the first thing in the world to be despised. and i, i can't decide which one i'm for. i'm not going to become an outstanding sientist after all, maybe. because i'm not absolute. is it that hard to reconcile? da vinci magaged to find himself a middle point and contributed to both fields, but that was so long ago when the sciences and the arts were not differenciated so much. today there is a valley between the two, which does not allow me to step on both sides firmly and balanced. i either migrated to one of them, or get torn.

i'm still a scientist.


Anonymous said...

How much time does this choir take? It's La Jolla Symphony Chorus, right?
- Jessica

Anonymous said...

isn't life a contradiction? there's always this tension of opposites that's tearing us apart. the key is to find this balance, midpoint. we'll all find it somehow, someday


Z said...

Dear tree, i kinda understand your jeopardized feelings how you're wobbling between ice-cream and strawberry shortcake. mmm, if you're confident enough, or maybe not really a matter of confidence, rather determination that you won't screw up your school work for this year, just go for it, the choir thing. How long is this choir activity gonna last? One year is alrite I guess. You pay at your own price, burn midnight oil to catch up or whatever. But if it's where your true passion lies, you will make it. There're still choices. Althou it takes utter devotion to be a good scientist, i guess you can still allow some time for your own secret pleasure huh? Just swear to yourself you're resonpsible for all consequences. Maybe you need to work like mad or something, enjoy the ride. You have my full support!!

Jade said...

yes i second that. it also sorta reminds me of this discussion zhu and i used to have around last november, about being torn between science and our respective other passions, be it art or literature or animation design or what have you. and we sorta managed to reconcile the conflict a bit in the end..the thing is to think it through and make a choice, or make a choice anyway, since the worse scenario possible is to be torn between choices and end up choosing none.

just in case you want to entertain yourself with our past distress, zhu was thinking this--
and i thought this--