Saturday, February 12, 2005

finding neverland

how do i even start?

nice movie i got to say. set me thinking again. and feeling. well, yeah. life is not only about thinking. also feeling.

it's about the potency of art in inspiring us human beings, in elevating us from mundanity, in giving us hope and spiritually supporting us, at the worst of times. it does not change anything physically, but gives us the power of believing. believing is everything really. it is not what science can do. it is not anything else can do. and it's about love. the irreplaceable role that the human connection and understanding play in our small and pitiful struggling excistence. and to put art and love together, it takes a genius. like JM Barrie. indeed, he saved Sylvie Llewellyn Davies and her boys with that magic fairy touch, with his love carried in his art. i thank his play. and i thank this movie.

it must have been fun to live in the Barrie's England then.(as a rich man, of course.) such a exquisite kind of life, attempting to get in touch with one's self. and wonder how it was to live in Barrie's England as a play writer, as Barrie. flaneuring? getting inspiration everywhere. fanacizing. writing. loving. living. must have been dramatic. must have been intense. must have been tough. how did they live? George, one of the sons, died in World War I, Michael drowned himself with his boy friend in Oxford. Michael's death was a deep blow to Barrie. Peter, who become a publisher, committed suicide in 1960. peter pan. the ever hopeful and strong little fairy. sigh.

Sir James Matthew Barrie


Z said...

hey! i heard talk of this movie a lot but didn't really set my mind to watch it. since you say it's really good will go search for it nxt wk. oh and i recommend 'girl with a pearl earring' i bet you'll like it a lot. dunno where that confidence comes from, but you WILL like it!trust me

Jade said...

i was going to watch it today, on your recommendation, johnny depp being another huge compelling reason, but damn, there were only late night i watched A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT instead, my valentine's day movie, and not regretting it one bit..might still watch NEVERLAND in cinema later, and it's both enormously delighting and distressing to discover that many oscar-nominated star-studded films are showing simultaneously here...arrrhhhh..