Monday, February 28, 2005

who's vivien leigh?

i was most astonished to find out that none of my singaporean friends and a friend from china at the dinner table tonight knew who vivien leigh was. i wonder if it was a matter of country or that i was really out of date. turned out that the american suitemates i asked didn't know who vivien leigh was either, despite the fact that the glam movie star was from this very country. (jaw dropped.) fine. i'm out of date then. there is really a generation gap between me and my peers from other countries. friends please prove me wrong! hands up if you know who vivien leigh is! also shirley temple. man. i grew up watching her cute little films.

or is it just china that is out of date on such things? pple, please answer the following questions:

what books did you grow up reading?
what films do you remember watching when you were a child?

fyi this is vivien leigh.

this is shirley temple

and yes that's a real kid up there.

and for fm's information, this is audrey hepburn

Sunday, February 27, 2005


吾足 is not good. haha. it sounds more like 'my foot'. sorry for coming back to this topic. am i the only person amused by this thing?

to fm

fm, i'm a goddam utilitarian who is not able to think outside the influence of societal consequences. this has in a way become part of myself and such consideration is the closeset i can get to a personal choice. i think this has sth to do with my upbringing. maybe it's communist influence. who knows.

Friday, February 25, 2005


i'm finally done with my second doc paper that i started eons ago and got rid of the pain in the ass ochem midterm2. now i can come back to blogging. recently i haven't even been surfing people's blog, which is such a sad thing. been busy with other things too. been having fun. but almost lost touch with the world outside ucsd.

(sits in one of the balconies outside sierra summit. there is breeze. eats a spoonful of hot oatmeal with raisins and lotsa cinnamon sugar.) well. i find studying quite fun now. studying is like everything else. when i'm outside of it, i'm tremendously reluctant to start. but once i'm actually studying, i wouldn't mind if it doesn't end. it's just that the latter situation is far too rare. most of the time i remain outside of the condition of studying and complain about me getting bored of studying, which i'm not doing. i'm being confusing here. heck. it's just like a bath. on a normal day with normal temperature and humidity, i have perfect inertia against baths, just because it involves a change in environment, from dry to wet. but once i start it, i won't want to come out.

i've kind of picked the motivation again. (well done! at the end of quarter. roll eyes.) a few things happened that makes me think this way. firstly, i heard about one of my friends' glorious undergrad years. something like w uporking in two labs and coauthoring papers and getting offers from top schools. can't help feeling like crap myself man.. :p Secondly, i didn't get the solo part for requiem. i assume that some voice major in the chamber singers got it. i would know who on the concert night. fine. the feeling of wanting something really badly but not getting it feels so distant to me. i realised that i haven't been competitive for a long while. haven't been competing for anything of such nature. like that SOLO line that in the end only ONE person can sing. scholarships are for many many people. U admission is for many many people, at least the ones i got into. A for courses is for many many people, not to mention that this quarter my school work is all down the drain. i haven't been fighting for the top spot for so many many years. i haven't been fighting at all. and what have i been doing? donno. i'm too comfortable about being mediocre. i'm now feeling the urge to stop this. yeah. a few days earlier you would have found me feeling lousy and defeated, but now i'm all ok again. and motivated.

let's switch gear. a few days ago a friend asked me if i would choose family or career if the two couldn't coexist. it got on my nerves immediately and i made this whole fuss about social stereotype that forces women into this choice but not men. the friend found my argument quite ridiculous and irrelavent, as he was only asking about personal choice that i would make if all social and other constrains were taken away. and then i realised that too. why am i masking my inability to choose with all these sociology crap? my inability to choose. yes. of course i cannot choose. on one side is raising a child and sharing all the time with this little being there. on the other side is the quest for truth and finding fulfilment for being useful to the human kind with my career. both are equally holy. i'm not able to choose. how could anyone choose? sigh. why have humans made ourselves so complicated that the task to perpectuate our species and that to adance it have become so disparate. my life is too short for both. what do you say? people...

and my oatmeal turned cold. :(

Thursday, February 24, 2005

digital cams are the best things in the world. perfect reunion of art and technology... (sounds meowish)... k. so what do you think the thing above is?

Monday, February 21, 2005

decided to delete the flower post cos it was too big blocking my nice backdrop. this is such a nice picture. sigh. if only i could do the same. sigh.
and nothing happening in life. :( except driving ard with a permit. i kinda like driving now. if not for the stupid freeway exits.

and chemistry chemistry i love you. hope this old spell my sec sch chem teacher taught us still works now.

Monday, February 14, 2005

dear friends

thank you for your comments on the post i put up regarding me being torn (sounds bloody, for a rosy v-day morning) between my passions. (to jess, yeah it is la jolla symphonic chorus. they are doing carmina burana next quarter.) the choir thing is just the surface of the problem. i'm perfectly aware that the 3 hrs/week and 2 nights of performance right before finals are not, with any luck, going to affect me that much. my problem really is doubting my own capacity as a scientist. i'm not wobbling between the sciences and the arts as a career. i never was. from the start i wanted science as a career. call me practical, and sometimes i do suspect that i've made that choices for practical reasons. but when i think further, i often realise that my passion IS in practicing the sciences, or in the desire to contribute to the sciences. i hope you could see the distinction between the two, but i can seldom differentiate them when i examine my own feelings towards science. it's more likely to be the latter.

my real worries are that my other passions indicate my inadequacy for science, because i do believe that there are gifts involved in the potential to succeed in the sciences, just like in every other field. and the gifts for the sciences and for the arts have really become so different or even opposite over the course of history since da Vinci. i posted Onnes' quote and Blake's print to show that successful scientists and artists are really opposite in personalities. and given a choice, i would not want to settle for being a mediocre scientist at the expense of being eloquent in other subjects. (i believe that the world is not made better by a flock of generalists, but a diverse group of specialists. even though i see myself really going down the drain of a generalist. ) that is, i would rather live without the desire to do other things.

(even if that means to abandon the immense joy that the arts bring me?)

you see, i'm so absolute a utilitarian. i see my life as a course leading to a certain end, which is all that's used to judge the success of my life itself. i wouldn't think that enjoyment along the course would count for anything, even though i enjoy the good of life so.










v day is coming. you feel it come wrapping you from all over. ads. decoration in the dining hall. paper heards on the wall of my living room. people's msn nicks. and people's faces. it's coming. while i'm eating a long and chewy teriyaki flavoured beef jerky and reading tongue twisters. lol. guess it's all good. and i'll keep the time and idleness to myself for another few years.



Saturday, February 12, 2005

so what?

Heike Kamerlingh Onnes: Door meten tot weten (by measurements to knowledge.)


William Blake:

i want to audition for a choir that takes a lot of time and cannot be counted for anything. and when i told my friend about it i said the artsy side of me said it's worth it but my science side of me said it's a waste of time. i don't konw. look at Onnes and blake. to one, measurements are what life is all about. they become life itself. to blake, measurements are the first thing in the world to be despised. and i, i can't decide which one i'm for. i'm not going to become an outstanding sientist after all, maybe. because i'm not absolute. is it that hard to reconcile? da vinci magaged to find himself a middle point and contributed to both fields, but that was so long ago when the sciences and the arts were not differenciated so much. today there is a valley between the two, which does not allow me to step on both sides firmly and balanced. i either migrated to one of them, or get torn.

i'm still a scientist.

finding neverland

how do i even start?

nice movie i got to say. set me thinking again. and feeling. well, yeah. life is not only about thinking. also feeling.

it's about the potency of art in inspiring us human beings, in elevating us from mundanity, in giving us hope and spiritually supporting us, at the worst of times. it does not change anything physically, but gives us the power of believing. believing is everything really. it is not what science can do. it is not anything else can do. and it's about love. the irreplaceable role that the human connection and understanding play in our small and pitiful struggling excistence. and to put art and love together, it takes a genius. like JM Barrie. indeed, he saved Sylvie Llewellyn Davies and her boys with that magic fairy touch, with his love carried in his art. i thank his play. and i thank this movie.

it must have been fun to live in the Barrie's England then.(as a rich man, of course.) such a exquisite kind of life, attempting to get in touch with one's self. and wonder how it was to live in Barrie's England as a play writer, as Barrie. flaneuring? getting inspiration everywhere. fanacizing. writing. loving. living. must have been dramatic. must have been intense. must have been tough. how did they live? George, one of the sons, died in World War I, Michael drowned himself with his boy friend in Oxford. Michael's death was a deep blow to Barrie. Peter, who become a publisher, committed suicide in 1960. peter pan. the ever hopeful and strong little fairy. sigh.

Sir James Matthew Barrie

Thursday, February 10, 2005

answer to the previous post on art for art's sake

stupid me.
if art's function was to convey political messages, like that in realism, of course the artists would embrace the idea of showing themselves, and their attitude in their paintings. whereas in the case of impressionism, the function of art is to serve art itself, for it's own sake. therefore, artists were naturally out of the spotlight and should be hid from the viewer, leaving the viewer to the art and art only.

and interesting: limelight really started off as a flame burning in a cylinder of lime (CaO) with the light focused with a lens.



art for art's sake

just a follow up kinda thing:
kester was talking about the idea of art-for-art's-sake in the late 19th century, increasingly prevailent with the progress of impressionism, which reminded me of wilde. (recall his comment on beauty and artwork in the preface to the picture of dorian gray.) and the time wilde was active as an art reviewer was about 1880's and 1890's, at the tail of impressionism which started off in around the 1870's. so when i asked, kester's reply confirmed that wilde was actually a key figure in the movement of art for art's sake.

then i have to ask, did it become fashionable to hide artists from the work of art again towards the end of impressionism? remember that one of the key features that evolved with maturation of realism was that artists started to demonstrate themselves, their images, their own emotions and perspectives explicitly in their paintings. why, then, in mere 30 or so years' time, wilde was advocating artists' duty to conceal themselves from their painting? i'm missing the link between realism and impressionism, thanks to the class missed on tuesday morning. (it's not a good idea for them to have interesting classes at 8am, cos i'm bound to miss one or two through the quarter.) and it is ironic that i missed the lecture primarily on monet, considering that i had come into this class with the preoccupation of monet as my favourite painter. (i don't necessarily think so any more.) next week we are talking about van gogh, i'd better sleep early and make sure that i don't miss it. and kester shouted at the end of the class today 'come on down van gogh!' like some real fan. lol.

Monday, February 07, 2005

to my horror, there is not a single marks and spencer store in the united states of america!

Sunday, February 06, 2005


听屠洪刚,斗室里满是他慷慨壮阔的一把嗓子,一股正气。这个花脸,不是白练的。真是欲刚则刚,欲柔则柔,活脱脱的一个有情有义的英雄形象。尤其是有时候唱破了的音,有一种说不出来的劲道,听得浑身都爽。听听:“ 狼烟起江山北望,龙起卷马长嘶剑气如霜”;“何惜百死报家国,忍叹惜更无语血泪满眶”;“身轻好似云中燕豪气冲云天”;“来世也当称雄,归去斜阳正浓”这些字句,并不难让人想到岳将军、楚霸王,抑或美髯公、林教头。在如今柔声细气无病呻吟的颓废小资小男人充斥的中国流行歌坛里,这样的阳刚之气,实在难得。郑州有人说屠洪刚假唱,我总很难相信。嗟夫!若是真的,那就连这一点正气也没了,也许我们对英雄的憧憬只能到列代小说传记里去找了。也不是说不可能,到头来,屠洪刚只是个半吊子科班,唱了七年花脸,终究耐不住寂寞,跳进了流行大军。


孙悟空也是英雄文化的一点象征。这猴儿的形象,不知还能在中国留几代。不用几年,大家就只知道张卫健周星驰等人演的流气孙悟空形象,与原来哪个嫉恶如仇,忠肝义胆的美猴王相比所去甚远,所去甚远。 六小龄童访谈











was reading wilde's De Profundis while Arvo Pärt's De Profundis was playing. strangely the two works resonate to produce a depression that silently creeps into me. that recording is good, described by one of the reviewers on amazon as 'an icy wind of delicious sadness'

(Lidholm)  De Profundis

De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine.
Domine, exaudi, vocem meam.
Fiant aures tuae intendentis
in vocem deprecationis meae. Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus:
speravit anima mea in Domino

Engl. Trans  (Lidholm) De Profundis

Out of the depths I cry to Thee, o Lord
Lord, hear my voice!
Let thy ears be attentive
To the voice of my supplication.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
And in His word I hope.

(Psalm 129 / 1-2, 5-6)

And the brand played on

a friend guided me to this link: And the brand played on and i agree that this is a very meaningful article. just putting it here, not sure how many people will be interested though.

and for those interested in jap/non-jap animated films, here is a new blog by my dear friend Life in Motion enjoy!

Friday, February 04, 2005

hail. zhang weiliang.

i almost got a heart attack when i read on some webpage that zhang weiliang the ultimate chinese music idol, love of my life was born in suzhou! (soochow that is.) i was like, what?!!??!!??!! OMG(although i want to avoid using such remotely religious exclamation, it is hard under such circumstances). So proud i am, my fellow con-politans who do or do not know zhang weiliang, that the little old city that we are from should have produced a musician so fine! as much as it is entirely logical for suzhou to have cultivated such a person, considering the cultural and musical tradition of the city, i was very surprised by the discovery. juiceyly surprised! it would never have occurred to me. never. ooh! :D

and happy chinese new year. people.

yo. in cloud9

Thursday, February 03, 2005



Quick Vote!

who do you think is cutest? i mean guys. duh. :p

the one at the top left corner? (T) PEDER KARLSSON
the one in the middle? (Ct) ANDERS EDENROTH 
or the one at the bottom? (B) ANDERS JALKÉUS  

haha i'm just being stupid and bo liao here. haha. but i think karlsson at the top corner there is really cute!
Well, the girls. pretty too.
Rigth (A) KATARINA HENRYSON. oh her voice!

i'm bored... :/ and i long for a group as such. they sound amazing.
and zj, i thinik of you all haha when i hear i sing you sing then feel like you all singing non-stop over and over...haha it's pretty maddening.. hah.

oh, and today during my art hist midterm i had 20 slide ID questions, but not every slide i memorised came out. so i was a little surprised. so when i got back i counted the slides i memorised, 27 of them there are! wow. i didn't know i'd memorised so

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

i'm sitting in my room trying to memorise 20 slides of paintings from late 18c to early 20c. and am dying of all the audially intriguing but visually confusing names, majority of which are french. some of artists have similar names, some share common first names, most have more than 2 parts to their names. such as jean-auguste-dominique ingres, jean-francois millet, john everett-millais, jacques-louis david, elisabeth-louise vigee-lebrun, and joseph mallord william turner (note the use of hyphens). while naming them, their parents obviously weren't aware that their kids were growing up to become great figures in the grand history of art, and possessing the potential of confusing pathetic art history students like myself who are killing all their neurons trying to secure that one point for this name. i love them. i love their works. i just can't stand the inconsistencies in the naming of kids in the european societies. maybe an IUPAC system for nomenclature of kids will help.

and outside my room, in the common room, the TV is broadcasting the bushistic state of union. and 2 of my neighbours are watching. the president speaks cooly and firmly of the freedom in iraq, the freedom in the US and no freedom to create embryos, before the audience breaks into overwhelming waves of applause every now and then.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

LIst of Scores

List of Scores I bought myself recently:

The Real Group's fun and jazzy interpretation of
-Chili Con Carne

Whitacre's ever powerful compositions
-When David Heard
-Water Night
-Lux Aurumque
-Five Hebrew Love Songs
The last one is a SA with piano piece. thinking when i go back to singapore if we are missing guys again at least we can do this one.

and i'm looking forward to buying another beautiful song by the Real Group
-Kristallen Den Fina (Heavenly Crystal)
and i want a copy of Ravel's Trois Chansons. I will get it sooner or later.

And there i was staring at my scores. they are so new and neat and enclosed with beautiful music. what's the point? These are meant to be read by a group of people and translated into sounds with colors. not to sit there on my desk, doing nothing. :( i don't have a group. and i don't even feel like looking for or starting one here. well. small groups are such intimate things. i don't think it's what i can start just by shouting "who wants to sing in a group" across the facebook. well. sigh.

and i'm very sad.

My page is supposed to look like this :(

A Screen Shot

viva corel

My Picture

















