Monday, January 31, 2005


Quote of the day:
There is nothing beautiful about democracy itself. It can be ugly. The principles are beautiful, not democracy. Democracy merely means the rule of the people, and when the people become ugly, this is what happens.

-- Rickless on the infamous Korematsu v. United States

he got really agitated when he made the forth mentioned comments on that case this morning, and his voice was ringing in the lecture hall. after the lecture, while i was packing my stuff and considering myself really lucky to be in this class, a girl walked up to him just to thank him for the really powerful lecture.

thanks to my RA Kalli who recommended him. it's worth all the trouble with the timetable.

hmm, which means he's possibily musical too and has a violinist tradition running in the family. :p

and talking about violinists, i just realised i missed janos negyesy and paivikki nykter's concert! OMG how could i have done such a thing? it was last tuesday before chem midterm, how come i've always thought that it was before my art hist midterm, which would be this wed? why? why? :'(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Jessica. Yeah Korematsu was definitely a failure of the Supreme Ct. Sounds like Rickless is good. It'd be interesting to see Supreme Ct cases from the perspective of philosophy. Skrentny is pretty entertaining and funny.. but the cases aren't that interesting. I'll have to sit in on Rickless's lecture sometime =)