Wednesday, June 08, 2005

i'm so sick of metablic pathways. !!! i don't want to have anything to do with biochem in the future. damn it.

honestly i think i've wasted paul price's biochem class. he's such good lecturer and puts so much effort into teaching and stuff. now guilt stings me as i screw up the exams just because i'm repelled by biochem. man. why do i have to take it! genetics is much better. maybe there something in the bio logic that i just don't get. i've never gotten it during A-levels (Oh heck the A's i got) and i'm still not getting it. i'm just so damn puzzled why chem and phy seems so understandable and common sensical to me but bio is still just a puddle of muddy water... aren't they all sciences? don't they work by the same logic?

and i also realised that my will to suppress the reluctance to do certain things has dropped dramatically. i procrastinate without feeling much. i am not particularly afraid. just leave it screwed. just leave it! how terrifying.


Z said...

hohoho, althou i'm biochm major i dun intend to defend how repelling it is. But it's just the basics. Once it's done, it's done and there's more exciting stuff to come. I hope.

Anonymous said...

the only thing repelling abt biochem is that when u first learn it, u see the big picture, which is super un-organised. there is (in my opinion) no big overwhelming logic behind biochem.

but when u go into details, like in lab, when u focus on one particular pathway, u'll see the intricacies of how one change of one protein causes such a complex magnitude of feedback loops and varying changes to create the wanted reactions. that, is a very beautiful thing. and i believe most metabolic biochemists would wish to be able to paint a picture reflecting this interlinked network, just like an artist would like to paint a nice painting.

bio is different frm the other subjects. while other subs is like: intro is easy, depth is hard. but bio is: intro is hard, depth is fun~!

but everything said, just dont give up on biochem too early. u may learn to love it. =)