Saturday, April 16, 2005

went to the bookstore today. as i was looking at the sketch boards, someone else was checking on a wooden easel kit that is opened up from a box and can house almost all things you can think of when you go out on a landscape trip. well, the price was something like 80+ bucks. man. luckily i didn't go into art. such useless things cost a bomb! imagine i became an artists, right now i would probably dying to buy some materials so that i can produce a few works that people will buy. no wonder the commodification of art occurred. really necessary to prevent the artists from dying of hunger.

and after i paid i saw annina my classmate from my spanish conversation class in the first quarter in the line at the cashier. i remember her because after she told us that she was a computer artist i asked her if she used corel painter. (apart from the fact that she was swiss and spoke 4 languages.) she got very offended apparently, which almost alarmed me. and she made such a great effort in explaining how artists like her don't use corel as in use corel. she said she used whatever that it takes to do her art on computer. if she had to programme in some language she would learn it. guess what she meant was that she didn't rely on corel painter and she was trying to show me that the life of a computer artist was much more complicated than using corel painter. well. i didn't even mean what she thought i meant in the first place, i was just wondering if she happened to use corel as a tool. oh, well, maybe one of the tools, in her work. but i understand. somethings that are so dear to you, so important, that anything signs of misunderstanding in other people's opinion would've caused a huge violent reaction in you. that happens to me too, many times. well. everyone has this area that is more sensitive, more protected and thus more agressive in that sense. painting is her thing. that's why. and i understand that. and i'm moved by that.

1 comment:

Z said...

wow didn't know a simple common sense question would arouse such reactions. but corel is a nice tool isn't it?? i want to learn it too, dunno whether i can pull it off.