Sunday, May 08, 2005

choir choir

choir choir. i just heard the recording of VE XV (i think. the roman numbers are really a fuss to remember.), as many of my old friends have pointed out, they sounded SO good. I wouldn't say that was impeccable, but their music had so much meaning in it. well i've not heard the glorious batch's performance, but since i went into rj, it finally has a near perfect choir. yes they are truly giving the music its soul, because they put so much of their own into the making. they sound so mature, their executions so subtle, not like an average high school choir. i trust my friends when they say that the choir sounded better in the competition and i really regret not being able to be there when they compete. whatever gross outcome of the competition is not important, even though it did shock me and totally disgusted me, the choir should've done well and should be proud of their excellence. and i am sure the conductor is far too professional to be affected by such minor disturbance. he knows perfectly well how good the choir is and his faith in the choir is enough for the choir to grow and blossom. it's only not very fair on my juniors to make them feel bad despite all the effort and achievement. sigh. like what one of my juniors said, we should just boycott syf. not a bad idea at all.

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