Tuesday, May 13, 2008

proxy string bookmark

A* people who use firefox, and are sick of typing .ejproxy.a-star.edu.sg into your address bar, or worse, going through brenner library everytime you come across a paper online, which you have found through pubmed or whatever science literature search engine, here's a solution. Drag this link A* Proxy to the bookmark bar of your firefox browser. and name it as you like. whenever you're at a paper with limited access, click the book mark. and then you log in if you haven't yet, or just wait for the paper to load if you've logged in once already.

I of course know zero java script codes. it's modified from MIT's reload via MIT libs.

(And btw, you can install firefox on your computer. just save and open the whole installation package on your desktop.)

1 comment:

fm said...

fantastic!!! ive been looking for something like this, and tried (unsuccessfully) to strip other url-modifying add-ons for this purpose. u are brilliant man..... cheers.