Sunday, March 18, 2007


i was thinking. kids are supposed to be rebellious around, when, teenage? it doesn't make sense. you see, you are all rebellious, not doing what your parents ask you to do when you're really dependent on your parents. and think about it again, what is there to really do to protest against your parents? not studying? or, drink and party and destroy your future as a viable person? and what do kids really know?? you see there are so much more you can do after you grow know so much more and can do things that challenge your parents so much more, adopting a different religion, or changing your sexuality, or joining a different party. or marry a poet for that matter. and you're not afraid of losing food or the roof on top cos you have financial independence. so, the real sensible thing to do is grow up normal, and rebel when you have the ability. it's really like, securing military power before planning on an uprise.

1 comment:

Jade said...

tree sama sounds like someone who had the (good? probably) fortune of never going thru teenage angst..angst, angst, angst! haha, i for one know what that tatest like...i guess the rebellious ones have diminished capabilities in the rational reasoning department. they just can't wait till adulthood to throw the military coup and overthrow their parents. XD