Wednesday, August 24, 2005

sometimes, like today, i go shopping just to lose myself in the crowd. just go wandering, get lost in the lights and the shades, the moving and the stationary, the colours and the shapes, the glitters and the shimmers. just walk on. occasionally buy a thing or two. but not having to think about myself, or anyone else. it's not about the things. it's not about me. it's about roaming itself. solitude. i shall always enjoy solitude.

i used to be the opposite. i go to the shop, and buy the thing. finished. and return to where i came from. task-oriented was i. used to be so busy. and didn't like idleness. maybe that time i didn't feel the need to get away. or to get lost. but change came inevitably. part of growing up maybe? part of getting old maybe.

ten years down the road. what would i be? what would you be? i know where i'll be. but i don't know what. what would i be?

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