Wednesday, February 14, 2007

anne frank's dad's letters to an american were uncovered, mainly communicating his desperate effort to get to america. in this age, when few write letters, what will be left for the coming generations to uncover? nothing. our civilization will become unreadable inaccessible hidden information, the bits on harddiscs, cds and servers. with the rise of the digital age, the intellectual side of us becomes more and more concealed. when we get buried by volcano ashes there will be nothing for the archeologists in the future to interpret, because the virtual world where all information is stored will crash more cleanly than the physical world. maybe that's why we don't find evidence for past advanced civilizations. maybe all of their intelligence eventually got into some kind of abstract storage which vanished with their creator, leaving no remains.

1 comment:

Jade said...

what a thought--i would think we'd discover some remnants of curious amorphous plastic/metal molten together that suggests electromagnet storage mechanism IF they were advanced as that..our ancestors had things cast in stones and turtle shells and then it went on to bamboos and paper and now hard disc...more and more impermanent wouldn't you say! we should begin engraving stones...but then again nothing survives the end of the planet. if civilisations outlive that i think they'd have milked all resources out of Earth and fled to outspace by then..with all human knowledge engraved in a tiny plastic cube or sth. did you hear they are developing exactly that kind of thing? dun rmmb the details but it was kind of 3D hologramic nanotech-related engraving of information in a special kind of plastic...there's hope, dude. (and future generations only suffer info overload..hoho) B-)