Saturday, September 30, 2006

have to say this before i stop

i watched tokyo trial yesterday with my friends. we also discussed war in general as we watched the movie. history is written by the winners. trials are carried out by the winners. humans being humans, i guess it is hard to judge anything on purely moral grounds. maybe there need not be a moral theory. maybe the world can only be run on economic principles and their extensions - political theories.

anyways, i wiki-ed the trial and found the following:

Radhabinod Pal, the Indian justice at the IMTFE, argued in his dissenting opinion that Japan was innocent. He wrote, "If Japan is judged, the Allies should also be judged equally." However, his opinion was not shared by the majority of the justices at Tokyo.

i wouldn't say that japan was innocent, but the quote is good food for thought, isn't it.

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