Friday, August 04, 2006


i suck at writing book reveiws. ick

so i have just finished my long overdue reading assignment Da Vinci Code. I think dan brown is a reasonably interesting fellow, but i strongly feel that his command of the english language is rudimentary, his characters shallow and unattractive. after a while, his narration just started to bore me. there is absolutely no element of humour in the writing. nothing in it brought me even close to a faint smile. maybe it's the cliche of commercialization again, but the book feels like a mass-produced thing to me. like, telling the story for the sake of it, much like a certain dear friend's later oral creations such as the watermelon story . the plot is cool. and i enjoy reading about all the stuff from the book. but the reading itself, has no special pleasure in it. the movie certainly did a much better job in telling this story.


Anonymous said...

aw, that's too bad. I felt "The Da Vinci Code" was a pretty good read, though it can't compare with the HUM 3 reading list I'm working through currently. John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" is also a good read, but I must admit it's tricky to read while running column chromatography. =) Any suggestions for further summer reading?

sangyu said...

on liberty? are you sure!!! for leisure? i still read fiction for leisure...