Thursday, September 22, 2005

yeah indeed, jade, sch is like the best thing that can happen in the near future. but actually, the rental was not that bad on the hind sight. if not for the flood, i would never have seen a roach, who was taking a leisure walk on my cupboard in the kitchen, suddenly having suicidal intention after taken a glance at the waste water, subsenquently jump into the water and die after a 2 second attempt to swim. he floated the whole night in the oil layer until the plumbers came in the morning. when told of the story, the uncle living downstairs, whose pipe was choked causing this whole incident, told me that roaches don't swim very well so they're bound to die if they ever jump into water. so that was fun.

and i moved to a new place, almost died assembling all that cheapo furniture from ikea...


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Jade said...

gosh, i thought roaches were invincible in every way. who was it that predicted the last higher organism surviving till the end of Earth would be the roaches? i onced tried to exterminate a small one, spraying it at close range for about five minutes--myself almost suffocated, and it was still running around, almost playfully dodging the spray..and i don't remember killing it in the end..and singapore roaches are probably smart in that aspect--if they survive the aftermaths of torrential rains they have evolved to be a little wiser than their american cousins? hehe...

and ikea furniture..something fun to do with company, but not alone! lol..